- Lecturer: Petrina Haufiku
NUST eLearning
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The aim of this course is to enable students to design, implement and test web-based applications including related software, databases, interfaces, and digital media.
- Lecturer: Eliazer Mbaeva
The aim of the course is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to work in the operational and practical areas of the Hotel. Students should be able to cover the following departments: food and
beverage, food production and rooms division (foundational, practical and reflective competence). WIL I will take place at the NUST Hotel School.
- Lecturer: Hendriena Shiyandja
The course aims to facilitate handwork-integrated learning in the criminal justice environment. It develops technical knowledge and skills in crime prevention and operations, police administration, and Crime Investigations . Students will also acquire work experience and learn the essence of professionalism in the police organisation. WIL provides an opportunity for students to apply theory to practice by practical engagement in police activities. Thus, WIL objectives include:
- To create opportunities for students to use the workplace as an active learning environment;
- To provide the host organisation with an opportunity to identify and employ promising students on a temporary basis and thus benefit by gaining new skills and experience;
- To afford opportunities for new labour market entrants to acquire skills that would make them employable;
- To assist the student to obtain required practical experience and completing their qualifications;
- To provide the host organisation an opportunity to compile a database of prospective employees for future recruitment purposes.
- Lecturer: Nawa Nawa
Work integrated learning provides students with an opportunity to work under the guidance of a mentor within industry in an area related to marketing. Attaching students to industry, provides then with an opportunity to apply and develop their knowledge of marketing theories and concepts in a practical environment which on the other hand, forms students with new knowledge and the ability to link the different concepts into a holistic picture. Thus, you as the student is expected to play an active part and to take a leading role in learning within the controlled environment the targeted company is willing to provide.
- Lecturer: Clemens Kazondovi
- Lecturer: Dr Gereon Koch Kapuire
WIL aims at giving students the opportunity to evaluate and apply a wide range of theoretical knowledge and skills gained in the study programme of regional and rural development in the work context at an appropriate duty station.
- Lecturer: Pieter Genis
- Lecturer: Dr Moses Waiganjo
- Lecturer: Alexander Brewis
As part of the academic requirements of this department, our students are required to acquire practical experience during the period of study. This provides learners with opportunity to contextualize theoretical knowledge into the workplace. It also provides opportunity to develop interpersonal and communication skills. This exposure provides industry with fresh theoretical eyes that result in creativity and innovation.
The attachment minimum period of 6 weeks or 240 hours is require, full time where possible. If not possible, the arrangement can be a flexible one between the employee and the employer depending on the situation at hand.
- Lecturer: Patemoshela Erkie
- Lecturer: Hendrina Kangala
This course provides students with an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge and acquire hands-on practical, skills and gain general work experiences of what has been learned in the classroom and develop approaches necessary for the field of journalism and communication technology. Through practical training, application and mentoring, the student gains insight into the profession, as well as experience. This course facilitates an awareness of the students’ strengths and weaknesses in the areas of specialisation: namely, print and Introduction to Broadcast Journalism, public relations and multimedia. As well as work in the mainstream media industry, this course may involve working with the NUST’s Echoes media service, whether in broadcast, online or print components, in order to gain experience in community media. Students can participate in the project and problem-based learning in the community and will write a reflection report on their WIL experience which includes recommendations to the NUST and the organisation. They will also develop and achieve graduate attributes such as problem-solving and critical thinking, teamwork, interpersonal relations and communication that can enhance their employability.
- Lecturer: Jordaania Kondjeni Andima