Pharmacology forms part of the second year BPEMC programme. This course aims to equip students with knowledge and understanding of the general concepts of pharmacology in order to enable the student to predict the possible effects of medications on the body. The course provides an overview of common medication classes and basic medications utilised in the hospital setting and emphasis will be placed on the detailed understanding and application of medications under the emergency care practitioners’ scope of practice.
- Lecturer: Simone Veldskoen
This course aims to prepare the student for entry into industry through the real life management of patients and application of learnt cognitive and psychomotor skills and procedures under the supervision and guidance of registered practitioners. The course will further enable the student to build an experience database from which to work once employed in industry.
- Lecturer: Simone Veldskoen
This course forms the core of the Programme of Emergency Medical Care together with Clinical Practice. The course is divided into theory and practicum components. The practicum comprises Simulated Patient Assessment and Management & Simulated Clinical Skills and Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE). This course will provide you with the necessary learning resources to acquire the knowledge, practical skills, and critical thinking relating to the pre-hospital emergency medical care of patients. At this level, you are introduced to special population patients and more invasive medical and trauma concepts laying the foundations for further learning in the coming years of study.
- Lecturer: Simone Veldskoen
- Lecturer: Edwig Shingenge
- Lecturer: Dillon Fredericks
The course aims to equip students with the cognitive and psychomotor skills of the advanced life support paramedic and enable the student to rapidly, efficiently and safely assess, diagnose and manage the critically ill or injured patient up to the advanced life support scope of practice. The course further aims to prepare students to enter industry and take up supervisory/leadership roles in pre-hospital emergency medical services.
- Lecturer: Dillon Fredericks
This course aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge, cognitive and psychomotor skills required to manage critically ill or injured patients of all age groups during Interfacility Transport/Critical Care Transport, which include encounters in both the out of hospital road and aeromedical environment.
- Lecturer: JC (Lecturer) Botha
- Lecturer: Dr Andrit Lourens
This course aims to equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide care in the community clinic environment at an advanced life support level.
- Lecturer: Carolie Cloete