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- Lecturer: Samuel Hayford
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On completing the course, students will, through assessment activities, show evidence of their ability to:
Develop their own niche regarding Public Communication best practices.
This is a course for third year students of our Bachelor of Business Administration and second year students of Bachelor of Business Management programs. The course is expected to cover evaluation of the role and tasks of purchasing and supply in an organization, design of appropriate organizational structures for international and global purchases, evaluation and application of appropriate instruments for managing the purchasing and supply function, planning and evaluation of the scope of a procurement team for capital purchases, application of the principles of negotiation and assessment of purchasing performance.
The goal of the course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the quantum chemical description of atoms and molecules. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of chemical structure elucidation and bonding together with the theoretical basis for quantum theory. The course provides the first practical experience and the future starting point for solving structural and dynamical problems in chemistry by applying spectroscopic experiments and quantum chemical calculations. Furthermore, the course provides the fundamental quantum chemical background required for further courses in molecular modelling, molecular spectroscopy, inorganic chemistry and physical organic chemistry.
Welcome to the 5th semester of the Bachelor of Engineering course Reinforced Concrete & Masonry Design 315 (RCM 710S). It is a compulsory Civil Engineering course that was designed to enable students acquire appropriate competencies to evaluate and design reinforced concrete and masonry structural members that will be design in accordance with the British Standard/Euro and South Africa Bureau of Standard (SABS) codes of practice
Reinforced concrete is a versatile building material to which the present day’s constructions of buildings, bridges and many other infrastructure projects depend on. The course on Reinforced Concrete Design deals with the structural design of reinforced concrete elements. The content of this course includes the elements design such as beams, slabs, columns, foundation, retaining wall, reinforcement detailing and special types of slabs. Here, the word “design” refers to structural design that involves, the sizing of members like columns, slabs, walls, etc., characterization of materials used, provision of number and/or spacing of reinforcing rods at different salient cross sections, based on strength of the members required and the serviceability limits that the members should pass. The recognized code books at the places of design works govern the design philosophy and procedures to be adopted.
The fundamental objective of the course is to comprehend the design principles based on the philosophy that underpins the code of practice and then to independently perform the design of simple structural elements.
This course forms one of the core courses in the curriculum because a civil engineer needs to work with infrastructural project that involves reinforced concrete structural components and need to know about the cause and effect of loads on a structure or structural component, based on which should ascertain whether the member designed can safely withstand the load applied and be serviceable for the intended period.
This course is designed to enable students to acquire and apply fundamental principles of remote sensing. Students should be able to apply basic methods and techniques for the interpretation of aerial photographs and remotely sensed digital images.
This course forms the core of medical research. The course aims to expose the student to the process of scientific writing, both quantitative and qualitative. This will be achieved by building an understanding of the elements of the research process, equipping the students with developing a research problem as well as appraising relevant literature and data collection and interpretation. The overall outcome is to produce and present a comprehensive research proposal.
The aim of the course is to enable students to apply the tools, methods, techniques, as required in the research process, covering quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches, as well as to produce and present a comprehensive research proposal.
This course aims to expose students to research paradigms and approaches related to new technological developments and emerging trends in the field of Data Science. It seeks to instill a critical analysis of innovative products and research contributions in the field in order to formulate research questions, plan to execute a scientific or technical research project, focusing on applied research Data Science areas of her/his own interest. Through discussions during the seminar series, it will sharpen students’ conceptual, design, writing and communication skills to develop and present a comprehensive individual research project proposal in a specific application domain of the field of study.
Welcome to Strategic Fleet Management. This course is scheduled for the first semester of this academic year. all course instructions have been explained in the course outline. Make sure to download it and familiarize yourself with all expectations for the current semester.
the contact details of the facilitator of this course have been included in the course outline, do not hesitate to contact him/her for queries relating to this course.
The course aims to link theory with practice and introduces students:
to a rich knowledge base while analysing administrative practices and promote socially acceptable leadership and management practices in TVET.
Steel is used for structural applications from the same time as the advent of concrete. While timber is a very primitive construction material as we all know. Steel and timber possess the major advantages such as being lightweight materials than concrete, ability to exercise quality of production at the factory conditions and simple work process involved in construction and erection. Steel is widely used in construction of building frame, bridges, tower for telecommunication and electricity transmission, industrial components like, chimney, silo, bunker etc., and water and other liquid storage tanks also. Timber is a primitive structural material, used for building frames, roof supporting structures, small bridges, farm structures, etc. Timber buildings with all the members and components being that of timber are also constructed. Hence, in the civil engineering degree program, design of steel and timber structures is a core course in which the students are trained to perform structural design of steel and timber components subjected to different types of loads and stress resultants. For the steel and timber structural frame, unlike concrete, the joints cannot be highly rigid and monolithic. Hence structural connections are of unique importance to be designed for any steel and timber structural frame. There are standard cross sectional sizes and shapes of steel members used as beams and columns. Likewise, there are standard dimensions, thickness and shapes of steel sheet materials used for roofs, platforms, and floors. Timber members are generally cut to the required/designed shapes mostly rectangular, square, or circular cross sections. Code books stipulate the design procedures to be adopted for the structural design of components and structures.
Course Objective
To introduce and apply basic design principles and characteristics of steel and timber and thus to enable students to perform structural design of steel and timber structural components according to recognized design code.
TNM511S is an introductory course for undergraduate students enrolled for a Bachelor Degree in Natural Resource Management. The course enables students to demonstrate broad general understanding of basic technical and practical aspects applicable to natural resource management intended to form the fundamentals of successful resource management.
In today’s turbulent business environment, training and development of employees is paramount. Organisations that invest in the growth and development of their employees are likely to reap the benefits than their counterparts. This course is expected to give you a grounding and clearer understanding of how to facilitate a training programme. It equips you with the skills to design a training programme, prepare it, assess your training participants as well as evaluate training. It will provide you with the knowledge on how to become an effective trainer.
In today’s turbulent business environment, training and development of employees is paramount. Organisations that invest in the growth and development of their employees are likely to reap the benefits than their counterparts. This course is expected to give you a grounding and clearer understanding of how to facilitate a training programme. It equips you with the skills to design a training programme, prepare it, assess your training participants as well as evaluate training. It will provide you with the knowledge on how to become an effective trainer.